Jesper Ostermann
Feb 2, 2012 2:38 PM
I was wondering...

The O-Store located in NY city, how many Frogskins do they have on sale?

I have seen a lot of stores in Europe who have "display only" Froggies (not for sale). This is not the case here in Copenhagen.

We have roughly 11-12 different Frogskins on sale, and when a customer come in and see eg. Blacklight Frogskins w. Pink Iridium lenses, and think they better like the 24K lenses from Shaun White Frosgskin instead, I just change the lenses and sell the glasses to the customer.

Is this something you guys have experienced? I just see this as "good customer service" if a customer want to buy a pair of Frogskins (or any other sunglass or goggle for that sake) and want another lens than the original.

Feel free to comment.

Twenty Fifty
Feb 2, 2012 3:45 PM
Some of the smaller OPDs I know tend to customize like that (replace the lens from a different frame and put it into the frame the customer wants to buy), but the issue for other OPDs is they may be left with a pair they cannot sell or any idea what to do with. It seems to work ok for them overall, I think.
Dann Thombs
Feb 2, 2012 4:51 PM
If I recall, this was a common practice back in the original Blade/M Frame days, but nowadays inventories need to remain consistent, so it's probably not the best idea.
Feb 2, 2012 8:41 PM
The NY O-Store is a flagship store so they will carry all the Frogskins (as long as they are not sold out).

It is not normal practice for O-Stores to swap around lenses outside of the OCP program. Causes inventory loss, and as Oak said it leaves a pair they may never be able to sell tieing up inventory dollars. Not to mention the pricing issues it can cause.

The desire of customers to mix and match is what caused the OCP program to come into being.
Luis Caballero
Feb 3, 2012 2:25 AM
Not all O stores carry Frogskins and the ones that do normally carry whatever colors happen to be available at the time.

As for swapping out the lenses, that is not a normal practice. The pre built glasses need to be sold as is because when ringing them up you have to scan the bar code on the box to reflect on the receipt what is actually being purchased in case the customer changes their mind and wants to return them at another location.

Ford .
Feb 3, 2012 6:05 AM
I can't see how an O Store should be swapping out lenses from retail colourways. The frames should come with the lenses listed on the box. If they prefer another colour lenses then they should try get them as replacements lenses from Oakley and if that's not possible then buy both pairs!
Stephen Garrett
Feb 3, 2012 8:01 AM
I've never been to an O store or vault that was willing to just change the lenses from a standard colorway to another standard colorway to satisfy the customer. I have always thought every lens color should be available in custom for every frame, but who am I?

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