Gary Brown
Apr 3, 2009 7:06 PM
I’m just thinning out some of my collection, so here are some display items, and a few lenses for sale. Prices below in US currency, Paypal or Bank Money Order only. Shipping to US or Canada only. Shipping fees for a small box about $6-$10 dollars. No trades, but open to offers.

Please contact me, Gary Brown, here or at gary.brown@halton.ca for more information. Sorry for the poor picture, unfortunately that’s all I’ve got! Thanks!

1. Lens for M-Frame, vented fire iridium, w/zippered case, brand new. ($65)
2. A-Frame Goggle case, used but no signs of wear. ($20)
3. 4 pouches taken from AP Payload backpack, brand new. ($20) (4 sold as a set, will not break up)
4. 2 lanyards, one black D-ring, one Stretch sheet metal, brand new. ($20) (2 sold as a set, will not break up)
5. 3 – 5” metal ‘O’ icon stickers, American flag, brand new. ($65) (3 sold as a set, will not break up)
6. 2 – 3” metal ‘O’ icon stickers, gunmetal, brand new. ($30) (2 sold as a set, will not break up)
7. 2 – 3” metal ‘O’ icon stickers, red, brand new. ($30) (2 sold as a set, will not break up)
8. 3 – 3” metal ‘thumbprint’ icon stickers, gunmetal, brand new. ($60) (3 sold as a set, will not break up)
9. 3 – 3” metal ‘thumbprint’ keychains, gunmetal, brand new. ($30) (3 sold as a set, will not break up)
10. 2 – ‘bomb’ keychains, still wrapped, brand new. ($20) (2 sold as a set, will not break up)
11. 3 – 5” metal ‘stretch logo’ stickers, gunmetal, brand new. ($75) (3 sold as a set, will not break up)
12. 3 – 5” metal ‘stretch logo’ stickers, red, brand new. ($75) (3 sold as a set, will not break up)
13. Hijinx lenses, warm grey, little use, no signs of wear, 9/10. ($20)
14. Gascan lenses, grey, no use, but used as a template to make customs, 9/10. ($20)
15. Romeo 1 lenses, black iridium, used with faint marks, tiny stress crack, 7/10. ($20)

And hey… while you’re here… let me take this opportunity to say that I’d love to obtain a Zero 0.3 Gen 1, or an Acrylic Bob Head! Thanks!

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