Micha de Vries
Aug 31, 2013 10:32 PM
Hi all other O-freaks: I consider myself a collector and I have specific models I want to collect (Pit Boss, Gascans, Fuel Cells, Juliets mainly) and lots of models I don't really care about. Of course I prefer Signatures and Ltd editions. Got an out of date overview which is overdue to be updated and new pics to be taken with a higher spec camera, but for those of you interested here it is:
Am still looking for some real rarities so might ask some of you if some models are for sale. If you are a collector I'm sure you'd understand.
Mayan Power
Paul S
Aug 31, 2013 11:10 PM
Hi Micha,

You should check out eBay and type in gascan SI. There is a uk company who sell the SI Gascans with a sand frame, bronze lenses and the icon is the US flag. They also come with the SI ELITE cloth bag. I got a pair and the prices are good. The company is called Polimill. Check out their website as they may be cheaper on there than EBay.
Micha de Vries
Sep 1, 2013 12:18 AM
Thanks Paul
Dann Thombs
Sep 1, 2013 1:11 AM
Welcome. Nice photos on flickr; I added you as a contact. Good to have you.
Twenty Fifty
Sep 1, 2013 1:16 AM
Great collection!
Michael Elfstrom
Sep 1, 2013 10:47 AM
Fine collection! Welcome to the OR!
Jules Neefjes
Sep 1, 2013 1:05 PM
That is some great stuff you have there!
Looking at your name, I guess you are a fellow Dutchman?
Micha de Vries
Sep 1, 2013 1:25 PM
Thanx 4 all the welcome msgs and the approvals of my collection. @Jules: jazeker maar woon nu al zo'n 10 jaar in GB!

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