Xs and Os
Ken Boyer
Mar 1, 2016 3:57 AM
New to the forum and since I know more about photography then Oakley's I though I'd share some photos here. Hope you enjoy and if there is any camera advice I can give please fire away. :)
Xs and Os
Ken Boyer
Mar 1, 2016 3:57 AM

Xs and Os
Ken Boyer
Mar 1, 2016 4:03 AM
Well, i got one photo to load... This is of Southpoint Hawai'i in a location called Suicide Rock. Swells are very unpredictable. Had to make a run for it a few times lol.
Dann Thombs
Mar 1, 2016 4:09 PM
Very nice, some great opportunities for photos there.

If you're having trouble uploading, try smaller files, or if you have a flickr account or other host, use the HTML embed code. It will work here.
John Schafhauser
Mar 1, 2016 4:26 PM
Xs and Os
Ken Boyer
Mar 3, 2016 6:07 AM
Nice! - JP

Thank you very much!!
Xs and Os
Ken Boyer
Mar 3, 2016 6:08 AM
Very nice, some great opportunities for photos there.

If you're having trouble uploading, try smaller files, or if you have a flickr account or other host, use the HTML embed code. It will work here. - Dann

Thank you so much Dann! I may try the Flickr route next time. Lol.
Francois C
Mar 4, 2016 7:52 AM
Nice one!
A bit dark on my monitor, but I'm at work, so it might be the monitor.
I love the short long-exposure shots.
Oliver King
Nov 7, 2017 7:07 AM

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