Paul Smith
Jun 30, 2019 10:09 AM
Hello O fans, I need some advice please. I will be in Orlando Disney World in two weeks' time and I am thinking that wearing Juliets will not be a sensible choice as they will fog up because of the heat. I am taking three pairs of Oakleys: customised Flak 2.0, half jacket 2.0 with violet lens/white frames and I really want to take my X metal/ruby Juliets, but two years ago the Bad Man frames I took fogged up and i do not want the Juliets to do the same.

O fans who live in Florida or somewhere hot and humid, not like the UK where I am based, what do you think/what are your views? I need some advice!
Dave Arnott
Jun 30, 2019 11:56 AM
If the Julie’s fog, retire to the closest air-conditioned bar, and let the fog dissipate.
Shouldn’t take more than a couple o’ beers...
The Game
The Game
Jun 30, 2019 8:59 PM
In two weeks it will be July, bring flaks it should be fine
Jul 1, 2019 7:13 PM
I default to something sporty.
Paul Smith
Jul 2, 2019 7:37 PM
The Game: You are right, I am an idiot! I must have had August on my mind.

Thanks for the suggestions guys. I have decided to customise a new pair of Flak 2.0. Black splatter frames and ruby lenses. QLR1 is right, a sporty frame is ideal.

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