bomb oakley
Dec 14, 2019 10:01 AM
Good morning o-review ..
Please I need help..

I am buying an Oakley romeo 2 gary scelzi, and would like to know if the model was manufactured with serial engraved on the stem, because I could not find pictures showing this detail.

I am in doubt about this information if the romeo 2 gary scelzi glasses came out original with serial engraved on the rod.

The glasses I am interested in buying are complete with all accessories. Original box with serial and described model, original coin, original laser engraved lenses gary scelzi, all complete.
My only question would be about the serial engraved on the rod.
Thanks for the help.
Good SDS ..
.Greg .F
Dec 14, 2019 1:18 PM
Short answer is no. The glasses themselves were not serialized. As far as production numbers we can only go off of rumors and box labels. Originally thought to be 500 but boxes have shown up with much higher numbers.
bomb oakley
Dec 14, 2019 4:27 PM
Good afternoon,GREG..
Thanks for your answer.
I was in doubt about the quantity as well, because I thought it was 500 made, but you got me that other question too.
Thank you for your help.
Good SDS ..
Dann Thombs
Dec 14, 2019 6:44 PM
Perhaps the ones sold at the tracks were limited to 500, but I've seen them at the vaults too.
bomb oakley
Dec 14, 2019 10:57 PM
Hi Dann,
Thanks for the reply and for your help.
Good SDS
Twenty Fifty
Dec 19, 2019 4:17 PM
The 500 number came from Donnie and Holly Faulkner when info about the pair (and the Five 3.0) came out. They ran the Rolling O back in the day, and the Fire Scelzi R2 was exclusive to them for a bit, so the info is good.

But this is Oakley.

An employee has a certain level of knowledge, but the company is so big and multi-national that one employee may not have full knowledge of everything. I have no doubt that there are more than 500 Fire Scelzi R2s out there.

With Oakley, unless the marketing specifies a certain number or the product has a serial number, word-of-mouth production figures tend to be inaccurate. Even if they do have a serial number or number-of-production tied to it, Oakley doesn't always adhere to it. Examples: The original re-issue of the Frogskin back in 2007 had the Polished Clear/Violet Iridium Frogskins being limited to 3,000, but then it was later re-re-released again as regular production (albeit with a new SKU); The Police Pack was suppose to be limited to 500 but there are packs out there with a serial of over 500.

bomb oakley
Dec 21, 2019 12:59 AM
Thanks Oak for the info.
Clearly clarified my doubts ..
Good weekend.

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