Now go home and get your shine box.
Apr 7, 2005 3:32 AM
Where should a person draw the line on how much to pay for a single Oaklet display case? I mean I desperately want one and have horded away a tidy sum of money for the past year just to buy one. On E bay they last for about a hot second before big brother O pulls it off. The local Macys at Garden State Plaza in NJ is listed as an Oakley Premium Dealer and they have nada there, but they do have case hidden in the back of the men’s dept behind a Tommy Hilfiger display so I tried waving some $$ at them to take that poor case out of there hands, I get a big NO. If and when I come across one how much should I offer/pay/bribe?

jose martinez (crmnjst - 4/6/2005 7:32:56 PM)
EJ Man
Apr 7, 2005 3:38 AM
1000 bucks.
my brother offered £1000 (nearly $2000)
and he got shot down.

Alexis Watkins (LEX7 - 4/7/2005 12:38:47 AM)
Bob Kueppers
Apr 7, 2005 6:58 AM
It depends on the dealer. I got my case for free by just simply asking the manager if there was any chance she could get me a case since I bought so much from her. I told her the one I wanted and she told me no problem. Bout a month later she called me and told me so got me a brand new one from the rep. She was a huge Oakley fan as well so I think that helped. There have been a few other places that I’ve asked if they could get me a case and I’m sure that after enough persistence, they would get me one as well, I just don’t have room for another. Stay with the same dealer and make sure that the same person always waits on you so you develop a customer relationship with them. I know I would be more likely to “make things happen” for a frequent customer then just some person off the street asking for a hand out.


Bob Kueppers (bkueppers - 4/6/2005 10:58:00 PM)
Sallie Schimmel
Apr 7, 2005 8:26 AM
In my experience it's almost impossible to get a display case from a dealer.
I have been told that Oakley monitors who has the display stuff and if you give or sell it to a customer they can pull their products out of your store.

Sallie Schimmel (xstarr - 4/7/2005 12:26:33 AM)
Twenty Fifty
Apr 7, 2005 8:37 AM
IMO, it's surprising how much of the dealer stuff ends up in non-collector hands. Display cases, Bob heads, stands....I don't know how they get it, but they usually don't know what they have, so it's worked in a buyers favour in the past. Hell, the other week there was a guy who was selling single display stands near where I live for an average of $5 CDN and double display stands for $8 CDN. eBay has become a very, very expensive place to buy display items.

Ford .
Apr 7, 2005 9:30 AM
Screw ebay and their sellers. Buyers shouldn't be so dumb and drive up the price so much. Without demand the seller has no power.

Ford . (ford - 4/7/2005 1:30:23 AM)
Dann Thombs
Apr 7, 2005 5:10 PM
I'd say $400-500 for a single, and twice that for a double, half for a 3foot.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 4/7/2005 9:10:30 AM)
Full Throttle @ 102 mph
Apr 8, 2005 1:30 PM
okay, how much are you guys willing to pay for something like this if it was offered to you?

CAL . (o-xide - 4/8/2005 2:30:45 AM)
Now go home and get your shine box.
Apr 8, 2005 3:15 PM
I would start at $800.00 and go up to no more that $1,000

jose martinez (crmnjst - 4/8/2005 7:14:44 AM)
Tim F
Apr 8, 2005 4:39 PM
Its really sad that because of our support and addiction to the "O" that some of us would actually spend 1000 dollars or more for a display case to show our love.....If I had that kinda money for a display case Id do it but the 1000 dollars to me means more glasses and Oakley product. Id love to get my hands on one but if I had to pay for it I wouldnt go that high so I guess Ill just never see one. Id cough up 500 bucks for one but there are more people out there with way more money and could offer three times what I could and they would end up with it so for now Ill be my own display when Im sportin the O on myself.

Tim F (Meat445 - 4/8/2005 8:39:33 AM)
Nik Gutscher
Apr 8, 2005 7:46 PM
Hey guys,

I can't afford it but I know where I can get one for $1000.00 if someone wants it. The case is 6' tall by 18"
wide and 12" deep. There are 5 Plexiglas shelves. It weighs around 50 lbs.

Nice case - dependable seller - I need to know - be paypaled by Sunday at the latest. PM me if interested.

Nik Gutscher (DisturbedEarth - 4/8/2005 10:46:44 AM)
Robert Lake
Apr 8, 2005 10:38 PM
Cal, I would say $800 - $1000.....Good Luck

Jose, didn't you just offer $1000+ plus for a single wide on EBAY??

Robert Lake (rhlake - 4/8/2005 2:38:37 PM)
Now go home and get your shine box.
Apr 9, 2005 4:21 AM
Yes but Vero pulled it off. They guy then e mailed if i still wanted it, of course I told him yes he then e mails me back that it is no longer available so naturally someone offerd him more than the $1,100 i did. Tim I think you are right though its just having a collection in an Oakley case just makes the collection look better, like the 10 commandments belong in the Ark not a cardboad box but i guess that keeping the 10 commandments in a cardboard box does not make them any less sacred. Ive got my stuff in a 59 dollar Ikea glass cabinet and it does not look bad. guess ill take my money and drown by searching for a case sorrows on a pair of thumps and a pair of Romeo 2.

jose martinez (crmnjst - 4/8/2005 8:21:37 PM)
Jamey Bishop
Apr 9, 2005 4:23 AM
Cal, I would pay 100 billion dollars. (I guess it doesn't sound the same if you can't hear my Dr. Evil voice.)

Jamey Bishop (x-metalman - 4/8/2005 8:23:57 PM)

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