I'm not kidding when I say that it took me 20 minutes to finally acquire that photo. I had to track network packets in order to find the one call it made to the dynamic zoom, and then capture the image it returned, which was in itself dynamically created.
Hi there, I just purchased a 30 years Sport Collection Radar Path, Frame : Polished Black, Lens : Jade Iridium. In the database, it states that this is 26-267, however on my box and lenses, it says 26-268. In the O-review database, 26-268 is white. I assume that the numbers are reversed, but I haven't got a white pair, so can't be sure.
Such a small one Dann, but I noticed it nonetheless. Ryan Arbabi one-off serial is five numerals, not six. Ryan said he most likely entered the serial in wrong on his collection page.
Is it just me or does the etching seem a little off?
When the etching was presented to us all those years ago, very few of us questioned it because "how can it be possible to fake such a thing????!!!" But the clarity that comes from over a decades' worth of experience and knowledge makes it seem a little suspicious. I know Ryan said the etching was done by somebody in Oakley UK (or something), but the font of the letters and numbers seem way off compared the typical font we see on X-metal etchings. The "1" for example seems assuredly different.
At this point, it's on the same level as having the Fandango in the database. Just a quirk that confuses people who try to get real answers, because trolling is life.
Yeah, they must have. With so many female specific models coming out each year, it wouldn't be the first time, but typically they borrow from apparel or shoes, not other existing glasses. Odd. Guess I need to update the DB with the new model then.