Eric Arsenault
May 7, 2005 3:13 AM

I dont get it, its like if the Dartboard L was available in a dozen combos !

* Ijust checked in the database, and it will be available in more colors then one

Anyway, I am wondering why Oakley is adding another color way to a style like the Doggle (great color by the way) and not adding more to others ?

Do they want to push Doggle more, did others sell poorly ?

Here is a list of models I would like to see more combos:

XX Metal: Only 4 styles were ever available, now its 3

Romeo (not going to happen now, but I'll make a Ti02/ice lenses one day...)

Plate: Unique design, only 3 combos WHY ?

Splice: Just kidding lol

Sorry for the rant, its late but I feel better now.

I guess they decide that for some models, they will only have a couple ofcombos like 5 for the Eye Jacket 2 and 3.

I dont want 30 choices on every models just more then 3 at least !

The way I see it: more choices = more sales.

What do you think guys and girls ?
Nik Gutscher
May 6, 2005 11:08 AM
Dude - I totally agree - especially on the Plate - such a unique and sweet design - so much potential....

But then again - the designs that Dann did for the Gascan's were sweet too....dunno - maybe just limited vision on designers part....
EJ Man
May 6, 2005 3:17 PM
im confused, do you know what the new doggle combo is?
May 6, 2005 4:29 PM
Those Doggle combos have been available for a while, just not on the website.

Why new Doggle combos? Probably because Doggles are more popular than Plate, XX, etc. and will sell better. A new Plate combo would probably just dilute sales amongst 4 styles instead of three. If they made lots of combos for every glass then it would be cost-ineffective, whether we like it or not.

More choices doesn't necessarily result in more sales, except for us fanatics, which is a very small portion of Oakley purchases.
Eddy C
May 6, 2005 4:55 PM
True. I've heard that Black/Black Iridium Half Jackets have been the hottest seller for some time now. Seems boring to me, but think about it... black goes with everything, and you don't pay a premium for Black Iridium like you do with Ti or Ruby.

O most likely gets diminishing returns for every additional colorway they add to a product line.
EJ Man
May 6, 2005 4:57 PM
im hoping for some nice new doggle combos before i get a pair, red camo would be a dream come true.
Philip Barket
May 6, 2005 5:20 PM
There's a new MDog combo coming too. 10W40/Bronze. Though I would like to see more too on existing styles. But I also question, why do just one new colorway for an existing popular style when you can cancel a few and add a few so there are more options?
paul mcj
May 6, 2005 8:05 PM
A new 10W40 frame color for the MD?!?! MD already has whiskey and brown fade ... I wonder if Oakley is just seeing how many similar colors by a different name they can get out for the Dogs.
sees you
May 6, 2005 8:46 PM
10W40 was a awesome colorway! It looked so cool with the simple lines of the Eyejacket I wonder if it will translate as nicely with the curvier lines of the Monsterdog?
Philip Barket
May 6, 2005 8:57 PM
I think it'll look great, and it'll be different enough from Whiskey and Brown Fade, which aren't even close.
O Matters
May 6, 2005 11:48 PM
I agree!! 10w40 would be awesome in the Mdogs. I had a pair of 10w40 in the Tens, and they were great!!
Where? When? I want them.

......still trying to find the grape GasCans
Dann Thombs
May 7, 2005 12:05 AM
The grape and 10w40 are OPD's.
Eric Arsenault
May 7, 2005 3:21 AM
Thanks for the imput, as always :)

About the MD 10w40:

From the picture of the Tens 10w40, it seems like its light clear brown/yellow color right ?

Probably not my taste, but does anybody know the release date, even if it is OPD ?

I hope to see a pic soon, I miss the time when Oakley had an OPD section on the site.

Is it just me, or sometimes it seems like Oakley like to hide all that is available; OPD, special editions, etc.

Dann: whydid you say grape ? I know its an OPD for another model but not for the MD right ?

Twenty Fifty
May 7, 2005 5:20 AM
Who's Roxy Louw? She's currently modeling the White Doggles on Oakley.com, but I don't know who she is. Anyone know?
Dann Thombs
May 7, 2005 5:22 AM
No, grape is not for the MD. I was refering to the previous comment about the gas can, so I said the 'grape gascan and 10w40 are OPD'.
Brian Johnson
May 7, 2005 6:30 PM
Roxy Louw is an Oakley-Sponsored Surfer.
sees you
May 8, 2005 9:27 AM
I've heard that, as well as UV protection the 10W40 frames also protect against viscosity & thermal breakdown
Tim Sparrow
May 8, 2005 1:08 PM
I must admit, I quite like those white Doggles on the O.com homepage picture with Roxy Louw. Of course, they'd look pretty stupid on me, but nice all the same.
I Con
May 8, 2005 7:35 PM
Tick, that was hilarious.

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