hey dudes,
i haven't been around for a while and it's because i was frantically preparing for my very last big jujutsu test
the way our system works, there's tests for orange, yellow, green, 3rd brown, 2nd brown, and 1st brown, and then black belt is when you create new techniques, philosophies, or training methodologies to add to the system and present them.
so on saturday i took the 1st degree brown test.
it was the hardest thing i've ever done, and likely the hardest thing i'll ever do. it's more of a rite of passage than a test, in many ways - part of it is to get you as tired as possible and see if you can still fight.
so the test was 3 hours long, and included somewhere in the neighborhood of 500 techniques. i was sore for 4 days, and i'm finally recovering now. in two weeks i'll give my okuiri presentation and get my black belt!
so anyway, i'm back here now.