Nik Gutscher
Aug 2, 2005 6:09 PM
Wow! I think we've picked up several new Members in the last week or two - Very cool! Our hit count will be over 500K before the end of the year....

Just want to throw out a general - Welcome! - to all the new members! Hold on to your wallets!
Dann Thombs
Aug 2, 2005 6:20 PM
Welcome to everyone. Glad to have you here. And apologies in advance for you future lack of money.
Wilson Ng
Aug 2, 2005 6:40 PM
come one, come all... welcome! sorry about your wallets.

come for the reviews and discussions, stay for the addiction... stay forever!
Tim Sparrow
Aug 2, 2005 8:55 PM
Hello and welcome! This site is rather addictive so be warned.
Aug 2, 2005 9:33 PM
Like O, Like O-Review. ADDICTIVE !!!
Twenty Fifty
Aug 2, 2005 9:39 PM
Welcome to everyone!

Hopefully there will be at least 300 active members by this time next year.
Aug 2, 2005 10:40 PM
Great info and nice to really see the oakley fans out there!
christopher chua
Aug 3, 2005 1:44 PM
Wlecome to the new members!!!

Great to see that we are increasing in numbers.....................
sees you
Aug 3, 2005 7:16 PM
Yeah, we're really becoming something here! Nik was being optimistic about 500 but he didn't just pull that figure out of the air. I think he, as well as all of us here, desparately wants an O-review exclusive! 500 or even 300 would be a force to be reckoned with!
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Aug 3, 2005 7:34 PM
i'm pushing hard to get my crazy oakley customers to join the forces !
may the O-force be with me
Jay Brandie
Aug 3, 2005 8:18 PM
Yeah, spread the word!
Lee Silver
Aug 3, 2005 9:01 PM
Nice collection Jay,a big welcome to you my friend.
chris rocker
Aug 3, 2005 9:54 PM
When there are a total of 500 members, we can ask oakley to custom make , 500 x metals with laser-etched "O-Review"
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Aug 4, 2005 1:04 AM
"special price ... just for you"
Aug 4, 2005 8:27 PM
cool site indeed. i can remember this site being called something else too. like http://www.dcj.almtd.com. or something. but this is the coolest site. id stay forever for sure!
Dann Thombs
Aug 4, 2005 9:18 PM
Yeah it moved in April from dcj.amaltd.com
sees you
Aug 4, 2005 9:22 PM
Holy crap! It's a good thing you were on Google or I never would've found this site! I think O-Review.com is a little catchier.
Wilson Ng
Aug 4, 2005 10:19 PM
i found the original site through Google. i still remember the night i found it... i was freaking out because i had trouble setting up an account and emailed Dann immediately. then i was going through the site in disbelief, that there were other Oakley fans crazier than me.
Full Throttle @ 102 mph
Aug 4, 2005 10:46 PM
same here. I couldn't believe I have searched a site like this for years then all of a sudden this site shows up in Google (discovered it 2 months after it's birth) I didn't join until a week later because I wanted to make sure that I am qualified...weird!

Now a few more days a it will be my first year!
Dann Thombs
Aug 5, 2005 3:11 AM
it was on my work computer, so it's all I could do
sees you
Aug 5, 2005 3:14 AM
I think the fact that Dann created this on his work computer instead of doing work is a testament of his commitment to the O! Nice work Dann! You're my hero
Nik Gutscher
Aug 5, 2005 3:19 AM
"Yeah, we're really becoming something here! Nik was being optimistic about 500 but he didn't just pull that figure out of the air"

Actually, I was referring to the hit count....500,000 by the end of the year....

Although 500 members would be ok too - but surely not by the end of the year...
sees you
Aug 5, 2005 3:57 AM
Oops, your Zeros must've fell off & that hindered my understabilificationary thought process. Watch the tranlator programs melt down trying to translate that word!

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