here it is:
seems like the VR28 Blue Iridium Polarized lenses will fit in a non-polarized Big Square Wire Chrome frame, and vice versa. i did notice that the polarized frames are slightly thicker than the non-polarized counterpart.
that said, the way i always swap lenses on my Oakley Wires is to unscrew the frames with a precision or an optician's screwdriver. it has less stress on the wire frames than popping out and in lenses, and reduces the risk of accidentally bending the frames. it might be fine to pop out lenses on O-Matter frames, and even Oakley notes that it's okay for some Wire frames (as described on my Square Wire 2.0 lens kit), but i wouldn't recommend it. you might have a bit of trouble trying to pop in the polarized lenses in the non-polarized frame, but like i said, unscrewing the frames is much easier and better for the frames anyway. ^_^
i can't claim for any other Oakley Wire frames, but for the Big Square Wire, swapping polarized and non polarized is no problem. pretty much quells Oakley's statements that they won't fit.
have fun, Tre Go, and post some pics after the lens swap!
W.B. Ng (bong - 12/22/2004 10:39:19 PM)