Patrick Trinh
Nov 17, 2005 6:10 AM
I just bought a set of lenses off Ebay, it was supposed to be VR28 XLJ but i got a polarized pair (i dunno which one it is exactly). Anyways, the top corner of the polarized lens (the corner that goes into the nose bridge) is shaped slighlty differently (a bit bigger, and the lens is thicker) so this results in me having difficulty getting one of the lenses in on one side, and on the other side (the right lens when wearing the glasses) i cant get it in at all. Anyone experience this? Can all polarized lenses fit any half jacket frame? any help is appreciated!

the lenses in question are the ones on the bottom of the picture:
Paul Sollenberger
Nov 17, 2005 7:54 AM
I just got some ice polarized lenses and while these are my first lens change for my half jackets I have found it difficult to get the lenses to really seat where I feel they should be. Maybe there is a cut difference, I don't have too much experience with those though. Some one else have an idea to help the two of us out?
Eddy C
Nov 17, 2005 6:56 PM
I have also seen the shape difference in the corner of the lens. Based on when I purchased my HJ's, the older lenses are cut like your VR28 Polarized ones, while newer lenses have that circular notch. However, I've never noticed a difference in thickness, even with polarized lenses. I had a pair of Ti polarized for a short time, and they fit exactly the same as the non-polarized version.

The only reason I can think of for why they changed the cut is to increase durability for repeated lens swapping. The circular notch looks less likely to snap off after use.

I have noticed that there are frame-to-frame variations as as far as how easy it is to snap the lenses in. My Midnight frame is always easy no matter what lenses I have tried to put into it. On the other hand, my Gunmetal frame is always tight. Perhaps the FMJ coating has something to do with it. I've found that a certain technique tends to work better on a regular basis: rather than trying to jam the lens into the frame, hold the lens tightly and press the frame down onto the lens. As always, start at the outside edge and finish near the nosebridge.
Brian Johnson
Nov 17, 2005 6:40 PM
Those lenses look like VR28 Polar.
I've used my Ice Polar lenses in both of my frames without problems. I think technique is the key. Oh, the polar lenses I have have the little point on them, not the circle.
Ryan Arbabi
Nov 23, 2005 3:05 PM
After 4 years of experiance changing hundreds of half jacket lenses I have found that it tends to be the frame rather than the lenses, i know this sounds weird, but i've had lenses that fit fine in one frame but not at all in another, dark grey and dark grey FMJ are the worst (btw, i am talking about polarised lenses, regular ones fit just fine in all frames) yet my dark grey frame fits my ice polar lense just fine, yet the right lens wont fit at all into my friends jet black frame.

Also, they tend to have teething problems, after a while of forcing them in and out, it gets easier.

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