i Q
Jan 6, 2006 9:11 AM
I've seen three people here fully decked out in O, on three separate occassions; one in Starbucks, one outside an O Store (closed at the time) and some guy I followed for a while until I lost him in an uppercrust wine place (lol).

Not just a pair of glasses or a bag either, but with beanie, jacket, footwear... the whole set. I was kind of half-proud and half-jealous.

Anybody ever see one of these rare occurrences?
Rick (The Doctor) Fawcett
Jan 6, 2006 9:16 AM
Hey Iggy, what kind of "stalker" laws do they have down in OZ? Just curious bro.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jan 6, 2006 9:18 AM
Haha, thats what I was thinking. Although, what if he dropped something? Oakley gold baby!
i Q
Jan 6, 2006 9:20 AM
I was hoping he'd lead me to the end of an Oakley Rainbow, lol.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Jan 6, 2006 9:20 AM
Oh, and it was me all 3 times that you saw people decked out in O. I bought the new Oakley Halo-form and transformed myself to be them. Theyre pretty rare and retail for about 10 bazillion dollars. I have them in all 3 color combos.
sees you
Jan 6, 2006 9:53 AM
I guess what we're trying to say, Iggy< is that you're the only one who's seen another person decked in O. Now quit following me!
jake young
Jan 6, 2006 10:58 AM
Nope Never saw anyone else full Oakley
at most a hat and t shirt (usually indoors so no sunglasses)

i did see a father and son both wearing X Metal Mars once in Indiana
american image
science wrapped in art dealer
Jan 6, 2006 12:59 PM
when customers leave my shop , the usually go out in full oakley outfit :-)
Jan 7, 2006 1:54 AM
People always have to question me when I'm decked out... I'll sport a complete oakley outfit (except my jnco's, love my jnco's) from head to toe, socks, wallet, wristbands, etc. and everyone's like, wtf? They totally freak about my tattoo, then I show them my skull buckle and they get jealous! Even crazier, the only other people I've seen decked out work in the O stores, and even they look at me funny! We're a special breed my friends! Hail the O!
Jonathan Tung
Jan 7, 2006 10:56 AM
we get that all the time. You'd be surprised at the number of females who are festooned with Oakley-ware.
Kimberly R
Jan 7, 2006 2:57 PM
The closet thing I've seen to that is an older guy, about 80, wearing an Oakley hat. I smiled to myself a little, but you know how old guys are with their hats. I didn't think it was a big O statement.

But then on the tram he was sitting forward, and I was in the seat in front of him, which faces to the side, meaning that he had a full-on view of that O icon on the bottlecaps.

I actually felt him looking at it... or more likely looking at me.... ewwwww.
Travis D
Jan 8, 2006 7:32 AM
I saw a guy at the bar yesterday all decked out. The only part Im not sure of was his jeans but I dont check guys asses out.
chris rocker
Jan 8, 2006 8:33 AM
I do , except that what that i saw was a foakley
Nic Watkins
Jan 9, 2006 1:07 AM
Loads of people ski in full oakley stuff. check this dude out, gloves, suit goggles, and stickers.
Nic Watkins
Jan 9, 2006 1:11 AM
try again.

Jonathan Tung
Jan 9, 2006 10:14 AM
Travis. Love that Avatar.

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