Feb 24, 2006 2:26 AM
i guess like an I- pod but O for Oakley MP3 player
i Q
Feb 24, 2006 3:20 AM
I saw a white tower at the Lobby O Store in Japan too. I thought it had been around for some time already?
Feb 25, 2006 1:10 AM
Isn't it the tower that was orriginally for the female line - like there was one at the time?

Thanks, Freesh
Feb 25, 2006 1:19 AM
Can't wait to see what kind of stuff we'll have in the store for display !
Alex Pascu
Feb 28, 2006 10:54 PM

hey guys can anyone tell me is this is an original display? looks kinda cheap.... i think it migh jut be a fake one made by some guy.... whats do u guys think?

Philip Barket
Feb 28, 2006 11:02 PM
He states it's not authentic in the description. It's damn close if it's really not O.
Alex Pascu
Feb 28, 2006 11:07 PM
so should i even bother.. i mean .. i donno if it s worth the shipping cost....would you guys even go for something like this?
Lee Silver
Feb 28, 2006 11:13 PM
Its certainly not real,but yes,its a damn good alternative isnt it.
Take off the black Decal, and replace it with a 3D metal icon and it would look nice.

If your considering it,then go for it.
It's a nice alternative if you can't find a real one.
Alex Pascu
Feb 28, 2006 11:20 PM
well i can i just got this guy that owns a small butique that said he ll order anything from oakley for me ... the only thing is i m waiting for him to get the prices and i ll see
i was just thinking that being not original .. i could offere the guy like 20$ for it plus shipping it s not the first time i see it on ebay i thik he s having a hard time selling it
Lee Silver
Feb 28, 2006 11:22 PM
Yeah,start low, and work up until you can strike a reasonable deal with him.
Justin "Scorpion Zero" Jones
Feb 28, 2006 11:31 PM
Actually, this guy has got several of these. He's sold at least 3 or 4. He's been getting rid of them at around 130 too.

Also, if youve got a guy that will order anything oakley, could you possibly hook us other o-reviewers up?
Alex Pascu
Feb 28, 2006 11:37 PM
yeah i think i could do that .... and if u say that the guy sells them at around 130 i m deffinatly not paying that for something that is not original i d rather add some more money and get the ral deal....

and about my guy i m just waiting for the prices now... i m actually gona call him now and ask again and i ll keep you posted....
Patrick Trinh
Mar 1, 2006 12:00 AM
I would also be interested Alex, if you can hook me up too thatd be great!
Alex Pascu
Mar 1, 2006 12:20 AM
ijust called the guy he was in a meeting ... he said he ll call me back ... afer i get the prices (because i think he wants to get something from this) i ll let you guys know and ifit s not too exagerated.... we ll go for it....
David Y.
Mar 1, 2006 12:26 AM
I'm interested as well :D
Alex Pascu
Mar 1, 2006 12:32 AM
well ok then i see we all want some... so once again what i ll do is when he calls me back i m gonna post the prices and stuff you guys decide what u want but i cant promise unlimited quantity since he only has a small butique and ordering like 10 towers might look suspicious for him so i d say that i should be able to get like one or 2 towers, a cube ...small display items....maybe a table i mean what ever he can pass like he is gonna use in his boutique.....so once i get the prices i ll let you now and we ll see what exactly we ll get i dont want you guys to getyour hopes up and then to be dissapointed because we cant get that many....
Eric Arsenault
Mar 1, 2006 1:08 AM
By the way, theres a classifed section for selling stuff,and display is not part of it since its Oakley's property,just dont want to get the site in trouble again...

Alex Pascu
Mar 1, 2006 1:22 AM
yeah guys ..... seems like i posted some stuff that i should ve not ...so.. im not posting anything about this from now on....i clearly had no clue this is against the OR rulles so .. i m taking it back ... once again ... didnt want to offend anyone i just thought i might be able to help some of us out i was jsut excited .....
Philip Barket
Mar 1, 2006 1:26 AM
The more I look into this we can't allow this here. Not that I want to rain on anyone's parade but we do have big brother watching and this is def a strike against us reflected from what you and your OPD is willing to do.

From here on out no more discussion about said boutique and selling O displays in this manner. Sorry. I'll have to lock the thread if the discussion goes any farther.
Alex Pascu
Mar 1, 2006 1:27 AM
got the message and i m sorry once again... had no clue ....

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