well, yeah...and no...I took them to Lens Crafters, and surprisingly enough, the lady was super nice, said she would cut them for free, but they were off, so I had no choice...Break out the Dremel. I kind of figured them to be similar (cutting them that is) to an r/c car body (which is lexan) and they both cut/react the same...It actually was quite easy, and I can polish the edges clean....Not with the Dremel though...
Wow, revived from the dead. Love those +reds there Josh, almost looks like blue iridium. I was wondering, is it possible to cut out two pairs out a single M frame? the frame is is so big, maybe you can outline the single frame to two pairs. would the clarity be off??
Thanks Jumpman....I don't know if you could or not for sure, but will know soon. These didn't come from an M Frame lens though...My next bit will be the Hi Yellow/Blue...That is a lens I prefer over most, and the amber black pol...
Sorry Bill! I meant I have to get a polished frame, not put a G26 in it. I want to do something different with that frame. If I find one I'll post it when it is ready.