Jonathan Tung
Dec 13, 2004 7:48 AM
I was just wondering what peoples' preferences for temples were. I generally prefer non-spring hinges in my glasses, and that doesn't apply to Oakley only too. I think my reasoning has to do with the fact that I'm convinced that non-spring glasses tend to feel more rigid to me, and thus more secure. Also spring hinges are just another mechanism that might potentially break. What do people out there think?

Jonathan Tung (Jonathan Tung - 12/12/2004 8:48:32 PM)
Eddy C
Dec 13, 2004 8:08 AM
I like spring hinges. They help when your head is lopsided. Also, they tend to put less pressure on your head.

Ed Chiu (eddyc - 12/13/2004 12:08:41 AM)
EJ Man
Dec 13, 2004 12:57 PM
I agree with Ed
Spring hinges kick ass.
i wish all the X-metals had the same spring hinges as the Penny.
My Mags and my hatchets would be uncomfortable without a spring hinge.

Alexis Watkins (LEX7 - 12/13/2004 9:57:19 AM)
James brown
Dec 13, 2004 1:23 PM
If everyone took the "oh thats just another mechanism that might potentially break" outlook, we wouldnt have gotten very far as a society. In fact to make this more appropriate, sunglass development wouldnt have gotten very far.

Iridium coatings
use of:

All new stuff which "complicated matters". Oh wait, thats why most of us are fans of O in the first place.
Admittedly using magnesium did end up causing problems but I dont think that stopped a lot of people loving it.
Imagine if Jannard had taken the same attitude. Dont think this site would exist.

In my opinion, spring hinges allow the frame to be more durable and allow for an even better fit.

william brown (O.T.T. - 12/13/2004 10:23:14 AM)
Dec 13, 2004 3:03 PM
One of the reasons why I bought my Wires was the spring hinges. I hated how the earstems on my Jackets got all loose. In retrospect, I think it's a selling point for me but no longer a big one.

Wires without spring hinges are alright but I can't see Hatchets or other O-luminum without them. As for X-Metal, it seems to be a toss-up between having temple shocks and springs; there's probably more adjustability with the temple shocks.

One day they'll put spring hinges in the M Frame and then everything will be okay :)

E C (EastCoast - 12/13/2004 8:33:42 AM)
Philip Barket
Dec 13, 2004 4:55 PM
I'm not really into the springs. I am not agianst them, I just think maybe they were too loose on the E-Wire 2.1, which is what I think turned me off from them for a while. They didn't bother me in the Mags or the C-Wire, but they fit me better. And the Hatchets are okay, but I don't choose my Os based on whether they have them or not. I don't really want to see them on the O-Matter frames and I like the Temple shocks on the X-Metals a little better.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 12/13/2004 8:55:25 AM)
Leo Wong
Dec 13, 2004 10:24 PM
The only reason I'm not really a big fan of spring hinges (in X-metals at least) is that when I tried on the Penny's, it made them feel less sturdy; it always feels like they are gonna fall off easily.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/13/2004 2:24:06 PM)

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