Bruce Wilson
Jun 26, 2007 5:40 PM
Show the hand placement please.
Philip Barket
Jun 26, 2007 7:06 PM
I've had no problem changing the lens as the Oakley primer tells you too and I've done it to Metallic Red, Metallic Blue, Black and Aluminum with no probs.. I think Fred just got a bad one up there.
. .
Jun 27, 2007 11:07 AM
here ya go.

where ur fingers are supposed to go.

thumbs at the front part of the nosebridge

2nd fingers at the back part of the nosebridge

press ur palm on top to the frame. ur fingers down the lens push up.(dont have to push too hard for both, just slight pressure) thumbs and 2nd fingers push nosebridge to the center.
the design is great that it just automatically 'slide' out of the nosebridge these few times ive tried it.

the way i figured it might have been hard before was that the lens was more 'stuck' with the nosebridge rather than the upper part. thus pushing it upwards frees it from the nosebridge making it easier to take out. plus minimises stress and contact between lens and nosebridge.

lastly good luck, proceed with caution and its okay to take ur time first time. dont wanna accidentally get it chipped

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