Luke Six
Aug 5, 2004 7:25 AM
hey guys....
i thought of getting a pair of Four...
but i think it would be wise to seek opinion from the experts here.

how easy it is to remove the lens from the frame?
would it be good if i make it into an RX? u know? for the EMO feel? hehehe

Luke Decker (luke - 8/4/2004 11:25:32 PM)
Philip Barket
Aug 5, 2004 4:56 PM
It was offered as an RX. The lenses should come out no problem and because it has an almost flat base curve it should be able to hold most RXs. The only thing I would say is maybe consider the RX Yardstick frame.

Phil Barket (kingphilbert - 8/5/2004 8:56:44 AM)
Aug 12, 2004 6:56 PM
Keep in mind that the Oakley Four has been discontinued. Four is the larger frame than the Four-s that is still in circulation. Changing lenses on these shades are quite easy. Oakley may still have some Four pairs at their distribution centres.

Mark Baker (solacevip - 8/12/2004 10:56:11 AM)
Luke Six
Aug 16, 2004 10:41 AM
thanks guys...
i think i'll go for the one with HI Blue lens... if they r still available.

Luke KK (luke - 8/16/2004 2:41:35 AM)
Aug 18, 2004 7:39 PM
The HI-Blue lens is wikked! Read my review!

Mark Baker (solacevip - 8/18/2004 11:39:24 AM)
Eddy C
Aug 18, 2004 8:30 PM
I second that sentiment... HI Blue is a great lens. I have it for Square Wire and Half Jacket. Unfortunately, it appears that Oakley is not producing it any more for sunglasses, only goggles. Anyone know if we will see HI Blue again in the future?

Ed Chiu (eddyc - 8/18/2004 12:30:56 PM)
Dann Thombs
Aug 18, 2004 8:34 PM
Does anyone know which models used HI Yellow? The version that didn't use the blue coating.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 8/18/2004 12:34:35 PM)
Eddy C
Aug 18, 2004 8:42 PM
Dann, off the top of my head, I can't think of any models that came with HI Yellow. That seems to be only available as a replacement lens for M-Frame and Half Jacket.

Ed Chiu (eddyc - 8/18/2004 12:42:13 PM)
Dann Thombs
Aug 18, 2004 8:49 PM
Must have been used once so they list it in their lens DB. Same deal as with Ruby Clear and OO Blue I assume.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 8/18/2004 12:49:13 PM)
Eddy C
Aug 18, 2004 9:21 PM
Actually, OO Blue is used on Pocket. I have only seen OO Red once, though. Same goes for Emerald Slate on Teaspoon. I'm sure there are others, but I can't think of them right now.

Ed Chiu (eddyc - 8/18/2004 1:21:19 PM)
Dann Thombs
Aug 18, 2004 9:35 PM
Yeah, that's what I meant, just a single use for a new model and then never again, but they keep the lens color on file for the stats.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 8/18/2004 1:35:16 PM)
Ryan Arbabi
Aug 18, 2004 10:19 PM
The Uk version of the Ichiro Juliets has OO Blue lens, and they did minutes & straight jackets in code blue frame with OO Blue lenses as UK exclusives.

Ryan Arbabi (Ryan - 8/18/2004 2:19:16 PM)
Dann Thombs
Aug 19, 2004 4:59 PM
No sense wasting it I guess.

Dann Thombs (Dann - 8/19/2004 8:59:00 AM)

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