Dann Thombs
May 18, 2009 5:04 AM
So since things are kicking into high gear again around here, and with the 5-year mark now passed, I was thinking of a few ways to improve the site. Since this is the o-review, I was thinking that it might be good to have some well thought out and detailed reviews in addition to the public ones. That way people could read a more lengthy description that goes over every aspect as well as more pictures covering every angle.

What we could do is prototype the reviews in a thread, and then I can move them out to the appropriate page when they are ready. This might really improve the quality of the site and give people more places to really see what a pair offers.

Eric Arsenault
May 18, 2009 5:42 AM
Great idea, I know you talked about this before, so ideally you would be looking for 1 Star review per Model ?
Twenty Fifty
May 18, 2009 11:52 AM
Good idea. Anything to provide for better reviews is a great thing. I've seen some very comprehensive reviews on watach collectors sites, and something like that for Oakley can be very, very useful.
Dann Thombs
May 18, 2009 4:36 PM
Yeah I figure one good on per model. I thought maybe more, but maybe just a good comprehensive article would be better for visitors. Not that it would exclude multiple people from contributing, since I figure everyone will jump on the Juliet review.

What I'd like is a review where if someone wants to know about the Minute lets say, they would come away knowing: the release year, generations, fit, target audience, relation to other models, detail pictures, etc. One stop shopping so to speak. With oakley.com taking user reviews now, we need to keep pushing forward and remain on top.
Francois C
May 18, 2009 4:38 PM
Would the Official review be written on a master template, so we ensure we have the minimum information required ?
Dann Thombs
May 18, 2009 4:46 PM
Perhaps we need to outline the things we need to cover. I'm going to create a new topic where we can start outlining the reviews we want to add.
Bob Russell
May 18, 2009 5:10 PM
This is good Dann. When I first read this, the first thing I though about was O.com's addition of customer reviews. In addition to the writeup, I think actual photographs of the different colorways will be just as helpful to someone shopping for a pair.

While we're still stamping out the skeleton of this idea, how will it compare to the Wiki? Will the review be the Wiki page, or will it have its own section on the site? Are they the same thing, completely different? I get the feeling it will be more polished than that and read like an article.
Nick Salazar
May 18, 2009 6:20 PM
I like this idea. Sign me up to review the Radar :-)
Dann Thombs
May 18, 2009 6:25 PM
I suppose they will be similar. Although the wiki will be more historial, while the review will be designed from a personal point of view.
paul mcj
May 18, 2009 10:07 PM
I agree that the 'official' review of each eyewear is a great idea - particularly for those that come to the site seeking information on any particular eyewear.

Might be a good idea to maybe have 2 members collaborate on each review? That might provide a little balance, they can act as a sounding board for each other, and could deliver better results in the end.
Dann Thombs
May 18, 2009 10:09 PM
Sounds good.
Thread Killers
May 18, 2009 11:13 PM
Francois hit it right on the head with the requirement of a template. It'd truly help streamline the whole thing. And I think there should definitely be photos, with some kind of standard to the photos being used.

Also, I like Paul's idea of having two members working on a pair. Though in my head, I can't decide if there should be one member who praises where the other is a critic, or just any two members with no particular preference to their views on the pair.

Either way, can I call dibs on the Penny? =)

Bryan Fin7
May 19, 2009 1:18 AM
This does sound perfect for members and non members to go away with all the information and details before deciding to buy any Oakley item. A mix of objective and subjective.
As well as being aware of the technical innovations maybe even patents, depending on the depth of the final review
The template idea also sounds good to me, then anyone writing an official review is aware of the criteria required.

I'd be more than happy to work on some watch reviews

What about an official review committee, who can take from all reviews to create the final review?

Jayson Conley
Jun 5, 2009 8:20 AM
Jayson Conley
Jun 5, 2009 8:22 AM
Sign me up to review the JAWBONE. I just purchased it on Thursday and now waiting for the LIVESTRONG to be released also!!
Nik Gutscher
Jun 5, 2009 10:53 AM
This sounds excellent. I really like the idea of the Yin/Yang 2 person reviewers. I would love to be involved. Count me in. Maybe we could do a sign up for a Yin or Yang for different items and then match up to do a review.

Kinda like the movie review dudes do on TV.

Still wondering when O.com will post a link to O-review...

I'm totally in for TT and PB (among others). Would love to do a PB article with Phil.
Francois C
Jun 5, 2009 11:22 AM
Still wondering when O.com will post a link to O-review...
I remember that in all my email contacts with Oakley Europe, the guys used to put both O.com and O-review.com in their signature.
Dann Thombs
Jun 5, 2009 3:02 PM

Okay, I will start a few threads which will then become the official reviews. The person who wants to take the lead should add the first reply. Others can add, but it will be the responsibility of the main reviewer to modify their original post with the suggestions if needed until we're happy with the result and it can go live.

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