Jonathan Barlow
Sep 1, 2009 9:36 PM
Which lenses would make up your choice m-frame array? I have the ballistic m-frame and currently have amber polarized, clear, and grey. The amber polarized is my favorite lens ever. It cuts light intensity while increasing contrast, making it more than suitable for a wide range of lighting conditions, and I enjoy the way polarized lenses practically eliminate glare (like on car windows.) I hear that non-polarized lenses are desirable for some applications, like cycling, because they make broken glass and other hazards more visible. The clear would only be needed in the dark, like cycling or working at night. I do like black polarized for super bright light, and for the ambiguity.
Eric right coaster
Sep 2, 2009 12:54 AM
I'm a huge fan of G30 - very practical in nearly every condition outside of maybe the brightest sunlight. When the sun blazes, I'm pretty partial to + red iridium polarized and sometimes, fire iridium polarized.

...and this is from a cyclist speaking from the perspective of being on the road during virtually all lighting conditions.
Eric Arsenault
Sep 2, 2009 12:15 PM
G30 Black or Persimmon are great for overcast days Jon, Ruby clear too if you can get your hands on a lens.

My array would be Titanium, G30 Black and VR 28 Black or Blue.
Brian Salazar
Sep 2, 2009 2:35 PM
I keep an M Frame Ballistic array as a backup for safety glasses here in Qatar in case something happens to my Radars. I have clear, amber polarized and Black Iridium Polarized. BI Polarized continues to be my favorite lens and never lets me down.

Some other guys here who also wear the O really like VR28 and G30 is always a good choice for an all around lens. I wore G30 when I built a plant outside of Las Vegas. It was a great lens that I could wear outside in the sun and not have to take off when I went into a building.

Bronze Polarized is also a good all around choice for a wide variety of conditions. I wear them in my Radars during dusty or overcast conditions.
Ken Siverts
Sep 4, 2009 6:12 AM
Because I shoot a lot of pistol, mostly in AZ, I need something to handle the 320 days a year of bright sunlight.

Ice Iridium for bright sunlight (10%)
Persimmon for partly cloudy. (61%)
Hi Intensity Yellow for dark cloudy or rainy days (90%)

Heater lenses are my favorite because they cover more of my face to help protect against impact from bullet splatter or ejected hot brass.

I've got five gun bags in the house...each array has a similar mix of lenses. Four have Ice Iridium but one has Black Iridium which is equally protective against bright sunlight. My first array I won on the prize table at a match held at www.gunsite.com. Yellow Pro M-Frame, Black Iridium, Persimmon, and Clear. All Heaters.
Jonathan Barlow
Sep 4, 2009 6:37 PM
After heater which do you think offers the best protection, hybrid or strike?
Dann Thombs
Sep 4, 2009 7:15 PM
They're on par pretty much. The strike has harder edges, so it's more cosmetic at that point.

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