Dann Thombs
Feb 21, 2013 12:19 AM
The beanie or the helmet. That was such a weird item. I'm glad I've been able to stumble on things like that due to dumb luck. I could never afford this hobby if I did it right.
Stanley 'True Love Hates'
Feb 21, 2013 12:26 AM
Amen to what you said, Dann. I've got the flight helmet and both colors of the flight beanie (black and beige). Also got spare black flight helmet cloths. Glad I completed my head gear collection just before inflation hit.
James Grimsey
Feb 21, 2013 10:43 AM
One of these...


Also been offered a pair of emerald iridium Mars !!

paul mcj
Feb 21, 2013 9:04 PM
Oh how times have changed. We used to have to push, prod, and downright harrass members into getting a Medusa. One of the more famous and entertaining O-R moments, actually. :)
Twenty Fifty
Feb 21, 2013 9:22 PM
Definitely a classic OR moment.....$400 for a Medusa and goggle set, the good old days.
. .
Feb 21, 2013 9:33 PM
day 3 wearing the medusa love the looks i get only in lousiana can y dress like a freek job and no one really cares i did got to the baton rouge Oakley store where they all know me by name they tell me there ia another colecter in baton rouge and that he own a security company i left them my card so hopefuly i get to meat him and have him join your little disfunctional family but so i walked in wearing the medusa and the assestant manager who im buddy buddy with has worked for oakley for a few years now had never seen one and some of the customers in the store wanted to know if they cold get the medusa on the online store now if i could just fit in the AP vest id be , well i dont know what id be ...id be skinny lol but any way i know some of u think me wearing the medusa is a SIN but im glad the few of you are so cool about it look i know its worth some $$ but that dosent mater to me because id never ever sell it i dont need to ill probly be beried in it , it dosent stink .....yet

i messed with som costume stuff last night let me see if i can get the pics to work i took a bandans and made a face covering for it this gave ne an idea to make a leathe one so this week end my buddy bret and i aere going to start to build a costume arount and inspired buy the medusa helm and goggles probly take us 3-4 months but it wull be glorious im thinking like a leather medusa ninja style

Twenty Fifty
Feb 21, 2013 9:39 PM
If you don't end up with the leather balaclava, you need to get yourself the Monster Balaclava. Would fit perfectly with the Medusa.
. .
Feb 21, 2013 10:07 PM
balaclava ...leather did u speek .....stank buy ......OH HELL YA I NEED THE MONSTER BACLAVE IS IT DISCONTINUED ??/

Dann Thombs
Feb 21, 2013 10:36 PM
Yeah, in 2006 or so, but there are a few modern ones nowadays.

Here's the Original

. .
Feb 22, 2013 1:22 AM
The one u r wearing what it called , what do I search for
Twenty Fifty
Feb 22, 2013 1:52 AM
Stanley 'True Love Hates'
Feb 22, 2013 8:45 AM
Reviews for the Monster Balaclava ain't startlingly good, but somehow some people still like it. I got one and one of my Shadow Bobs wears it (for me) with a black Flight Deck Beanie over it.

. .
Feb 22, 2013 9:20 AM
Ya know iv Ben looking for a bob for a few months now but ther ceramic right ya i don't like that if I had one I'd probly make a fiber glass mold and make one out of carbonfiber just because I know I'd break it ir just make the mold and make a resin cast of it I'd rather just carve on out my self all i know is I need to get somthing to put the medusa on when I get home , medusa gose every wher with me i wear it all the time i love it i just need a manic an head or somthing to put it on ,,

S o these monster balaclava iv looked on eBay no luck are they old and rare ? are they hard to find ? And if I do find one whats a good price for it ? Or what do they accualy sell for high/low
Dann Thombs
Feb 22, 2013 4:27 PM
See the 'rare' thread on my thought about that subject, but they're basically 7 years old, and most apparel items quickly filter out of the secondary market. Just a weird item like the AP leg holster that we jumped on, when the getting was good.
Stanley 'True Love Hates'
Feb 22, 2013 11:10 PM
Paul, the L/XL Medusa fits best on the mannequin Bob, who won't wear a S/M Medusa. The smaller Shadow Bob fits the S/M well. On the Monster Balaclava, if and when certain people read your post, you'll see something pop up on eBay. ;)

Dann, I got mine from the secondary market and that was 3-4 years ago. You guys living further up north will find much more practical usage for the balaclava. Here in Texas, we'll probably use it for our annual snowfest (or two, or three ....). And that's about it. I've left it on Bob since I got mine.
. .
Feb 23, 2013 9:49 AM
Well being originally from the north wasti go the mt hood every time I go home I love snow but I might not be all that interested in a monster livening I the dirty south I'd get to use it once a year maybe
. .
Feb 23, 2013 9:54 AM
I will however buy one of the fire proof a raceing ones for costume ing I want to try and make a oakley type costume it's to bad the ap vest dosent fit there isant enuff spanx in the world lol I'd buy ine in a sec in 3xloalkey needs a big and tall section no no accualy no because I'd be broke as phuc lol

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