wymore: Alex Wymore
August 18th, 2012 - 12 years ago (12 logins)Last Login9 years ago
May 5, 2015 10:31 PM
Without having a traditional frame, it makes me wonder how the fit will be affected. I'm assuming it is going to be a bit looser than with the M-frame.
Apr 21, 2015 10:41 PM
I'm not liking the redesign. Looks like the tried to blend the Flak Jacket with the Radar and ended up with something that doesn't look as good as either of them did.
Dec 23, 2014 6:31 PM
Dann, I was just kind of surprised because their sport models have typically had some very long lifespans.

Bruce, I don't do a ton of cycling, but I would not consider peripheral vision to be a problem simply because the faster you travel, the more pronounced your tunnel vision usually becomes.
Dec 23, 2014 12:44 AM
So it appears now that Oakley has only one model of the Fast Jacket left on Oakley.com and isn't selling the Split Jacket at all anymore. I thought the switchlock idea was a good one, but it would appear it hasn't worked out very well.
Nov 26, 2014 6:05 PM
Interesting. I guess I'll have to play around and see which base is better for which scenario. Previously I've had a Black Iridium lens and a VR28 (regular not the iridium). So I would use Black Iridium on sunny days and VR28 on cloudy days. I've never had two with the same light transmission but different contrast to compare.
Nov 26, 2014 4:30 PM
When you buy a set of glasses with multiple lenses, isn't the point to have different lenses for different lighting scenarios? I just bought a pair of Fast Jackets off the Oakley Vault because they were on sale for $65, and they came with VR28 Black Iridium lenses and Gray lenses. Both of those have the exact same light transmission.

I noticed another set that is very similar as well with Jade Iridium and Blue Iridium. I'm not mad about my purchase. I bought them knowing the lenses were about the same and just figuring I was getting an extra set of lenses for basically free. I just thought that the combos were kind of pointless.
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