oakster: Oakster
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
December 4th, 2012 - 12 years ago (8 logins)Last Login11 years ago
I have officially received 1 too many "are you on o-review" messages and decided to finally cave.

I have been an Oakley fan since the late 90's with Mars Leather being the pair that made me start looking at Oakley. My first pair was Minute FMJ Platinum/Gold.

My collection is currently at 100+ pairs. I am not "heavy" in any single genre. I like to have a timeline of the brand and really enjoy collaborations and limited edition stuff. I will never be the guy that has every colour of a frame. I also really enjoy the stuff that goes along with the eyewear (POP, Posters, Accessories, etc).

4 pairs of NIB Eyeshades
Entire STPL Collection
Pewter Funny Car
Jordan Romeo
Signed stuff - Scelzi R2, Burnquist Oakley Skateboard, Cannon Idea Car, a few different posters.

Currently working on:
-Completing artist series (part of the reason I'm signing up)
-Zero... I need to improve my zero selection as it's a crucial part of the timeline that I am lacking
-Upgrading things to NIB from used

The collection.
Aug 7, 2013 4:46 PM
I have a NIB set of Grey (non-polar). I'm new to using O-review, so not sure exactly how it all works for the classifieds.

If you're in the US, shipping from Canada is $14. I could do the lenses for $30, so $44 total.
Aug 7, 2013 4:40 PM
Hello everyone,
Just figured I would finally chime in. I have been an Oakley collector for a few years and have been an active member on the Oakley Forum. I didn't spend any time on here simply due to the fact that the interface and old layout drove me nuts.

I look forward to playing around with the new site and meeting some more great Oakley fans!

I posted a pic of my collection. It's pretty good right now. Just trying to sort out exactly how/where to display the posters and other visual stuff.

Over the next few months I'll be thinning things out a bit as I won't have the space that I currently have to display everything.

Crown Jewels of my collection:
Jordan R1
White Text Gascans
Entire Artist Series
Entire SPTL Series
All 4 NIB Fluoro Packs
Signed Scelzi R1's
Signed Burnquist Oakley Skateboard
***Last week I passed along my Pewter Funny Car. It was a great piece to have in my collection, but it's finding a new, happy home in another great collection.
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