kiopsentro: Khayyam Rios
Age: 36 / Mexico
September 21st, 2023 - 1 years ago (18 logins)Last Login7 months ago

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.

OTT fake or real without made in usa leyend.
Dec 4, 2023 5:10 PM
They are real. 2nd gen OTT came both with and without the "CE" and "Made in the U.S.A" markings.

In addition, there are variations on the markings. I know of at least two of them:

- Oak

Thnaks a lot bro!
Nov 10, 2023 1:56 PM
It´s expensive, but I want :C
Oct 2, 2023 9:08 PM
I watched my old video on the differences between Gen 1 and Gen 2, and I didn't seem to notice anything regarding the "Made in USA" phrase. The primary changes are:
Gen 1 = No pads, and on the back, the details are only indentations
Gen 2 = Embedded pads, and the details on the back are complete holes that go through the frame

Generally build quality will be a better indicator of the genuine pair vs a fake. - Dann

I wached you video, many thanks for your explication, is very rare this situatios, the quality is very good, same material, but with out "made in usa" :C
Oct 2, 2023 4:19 PM

I atteched some pictures, the fire iridum have Made In USA.
Oct 2, 2023 4:02 PM
HI guys,

I´m kiopsentro, and I from mexico!

I have a some oakley collection, and I love the brand!
Oct 2, 2023 4:00 PM
Hi guys, how are you today?, happy sunday! could you give me some opinion if is fake or original? It's rare for me this OTT, without "made in usa", I have other with the legend.
I read and I saw in other FB post, the 2 gen is without phrase, other difference is the pad the other ott with legend is with pad little more quality.
Other difference in a line above the glass the SG with legend (fire iridium) have most marked a line.
The two have same material, same weight, same color.

Manny thanks for your help.
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