prezio: Piotr Wilinski
July 7th, 2015 - 9 years ago (4 logins)Last Login9 years ago
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Jul 7, 2015 11:34 PM
I am looking for the following models: Penny, Juliet, Jawbone / Racing Jacket.

I'm just beginning with creating my own Oakley set so they can be different varieties of lenses colour and frame materials. I hope mainly for a good price (although adequate for these rare models). Therefore the most expensive sunglasses falls at the moment.
Jul 7, 2015 8:04 PM
15 years ago when I was only 6 years old I saw X-men movie. There was a pair of wonderful and unforgettable Oakley Penny sunglasses with freaky ruby iridium (as all of you probably know). I completely fell in love with the design of Oakley of those years. Unfortunately, in Poland (where I live) there wasn't such masterpieces on market.

The memory of old dream survived to this day and I'm very glad that I found this great Site with a lot of content about Oakley and equally excellent Community of "O-maniacs".

Unfortunately I don't have any oakley sunglasses currently. For a moment I had Mars Leather, but someone stole them from me :(

Perhaps it is right time to hug dream Penny. So that's my story and I just want to say Hi to everyone.

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