Bootlegged The Dark Knight Rises trailer that's been cleverly hidden from the legal eyes of Warner Bros. If you're interested in the third current era Batman movie, have a look before WB pulls it. Official trailer will likely be available online in a couple days, however.
Bootlegged The Avengers trailer is up (I thinks it's attached to the credits of next week's Captain America movie). Looks good and looking forward to the HD official version.
Anne Hathaway as Catwoman in the next Batman movie. Would be cool if it turned out Oakley developed the lenses, but that's wishful thinking most likely.
I'm lucky enough to have them filming down the street from where I work. We saw a couple of the military/SWAT vehicles being loaded onto a trailer yesterday. I was driving with my wife and 2 kids in the car, didn't have a chance to take a pic. Hopefully more opportunities will aRISE (pun intended).
I'm digging Anne's eyewear in this pic. I'd love to have even just a replica of it, even if it isn't Oakley. Looks techy and cool.
What you find to be the best James Bond movie certainly depends on many things, including the decade you grew up in. Here are a few lists that I found interesting due to the far-ranging rankings:
Regarding Amazing Spiderman, a remake so soon after the original just seems so ridiculous: are the producers that lacking in a film script they have to toy with the original and 'tweak' it?