DarkGrieverX: Leo Wong
July 19th, 2004 - 20 years ago (123 logins)Last Login19 years ago
...Wishin' I had a job at Oakley...(sigh)...






Dec 21, 2004 10:45 AM
Vancouver, BC Canada as well :D

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/21/2004 2:45:58 AM)
Dec 21, 2004 10:40 AM
lol $150, that guy is nuts.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/21/2004 2:40:26 AM)
Dec 14, 2004 4:20 AM
Damn, thats too bad they aren't prescription available. They would look really nice. Does anyone know why none of the Ruby Oakley lenses are available in prescription? I've always wondered.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/13/2004 8:20:55 PM)
Dec 14, 2004 4:17 AM
Iunno EC, but the experience I've had with Oakley Canada has been pretty bad (person on the phone seemed to have no idea what was going on, and didn't seem to care). I don't know why Oakley just doesnt have a continent centralized customer service rather than have it be divided nation-wise.

Speaking of which, I have nothing against Montreal (definitely a place I need to visit one day) but it does seem kinda weird why Oakley would choose to place their Canadian HQ there as opposed to Toronto Ontario, or here in "Outdoors" BC.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/13/2004 8:17:22 PM)
Dec 13, 2004 10:28 PM
WOW! Can those be made into prescription lenses?

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/13/2004 2:28:10 PM)
Dec 13, 2004 10:24 PM
The only reason I'm not really a big fan of spring hinges (in X-metals at least) is that when I tried on the Penny's, it made them feel less sturdy; it always feels like they are gonna fall off easily.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/13/2004 2:24:06 PM)
Dec 12, 2004 2:22 AM
Yup, was googling for information on Oakley stuff, and this site came up :D

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/11/2004 6:22:06 PM)
Dec 12, 2004 2:18 AM
lol confusing indeed. Never really noticed it before but ya I guess the new fires look a LOT like 24k.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/11/2004 6:18:33 PM)
Dec 10, 2004 10:07 PM
Happy B-day! ^^

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/10/2004 2:07:42 PM)
Dec 10, 2004 2:42 AM
Well, its only like $15 more than what the X-metal/Ruby Juliets were. But ya, for that price, the color combo seems rather...plain lol

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/9/2004 6:42:30 PM)
Dec 9, 2004 1:48 PM
I have a sense that Oakley is putting to much effort into Thump, and not enough into everything else :/

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/9/2004 5:48:02 AM)
Dec 8, 2004 10:28 AM
Ya Thomas, I went to the coquitlam centre store. When I went there was a Rootbeer color thump outside in the window, and they had a new Black Matte one inside. Argh, the guy at the store told me they only had like 6, and 2 of them have been ordered already :/

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/8/2004 2:28:09 AM)
Dec 8, 2004 5:57 AM
Ya I'm with you on that one Jon. I don't know why a lot of ppl seem to dislike the X-metal color.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/7/2004 9:57:49 PM)
Dec 8, 2004 5:46 AM
Yup, they recently opened a store near where I live. From what I'm told, they and one other store are the only ones here in BC that have Thumps in-store (finally got to see them in person :D).

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/7/2004 9:46:31 PM)
Dec 7, 2004 10:35 PM
Hope they come out with more lens colors. Polished/Titanium looks hella nice, even though im not really a fan of polished (guess the combo just fits nicely together).

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/7/2004 2:35:20 PM)
Dec 7, 2004 10:26 PM
Looks like emerald and reflection to me :)

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/7/2004 2:26:21 PM)
Dec 7, 2004 10:22 PM
One of my local stores is getting these next week :D.
Can't wait to see them in person.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/7/2004 2:22:14 PM)
Dec 4, 2004 4:17 AM
Hey okyman, are they comparable in size to the Juliets? or are they bigger?

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/3/2004 8:11:56 PM)
Dec 4, 2004 4:08 AM
NOOO! argh I'm never going to be able to save up enough cash in time to get a timebomb now >.<

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/3/2004 8:08:01 PM)
Dec 4, 2004 4:05 AM
Same here :/ As I've said before, I think the Oakley service in Canada blows in comparison with that in the US.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/3/2004 8:05:38 PM)
Dec 3, 2004 4:20 AM

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/2/2004 8:20:41 PM)
Dec 2, 2004 3:53 AM
For that pricetag I still think they should have kept the serial number :/

Speaking of which, any more news about whether or not they are going to change the Romeo 2.0 design?

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/1/2004 7:53:34 PM)
Dec 2, 2004 3:47 AM
My X-metal/Black iridium juliets were just J141850.

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 12/1/2004 7:47:24 PM)
Nov 25, 2004 10:29 PM
I dunno, I think it might be a bit unfair for loyal followers who frequent the site, but either:

a) Don't have time to respond often enough

or b) Are non-english speaking

Yes I know we SHOULD do something so lawyers and such cant just wander in here anonymously, but I don't think there is really much of a viable solution :/

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 11/25/2004 2:29:51 PM)
Nov 25, 2004 3:32 AM
Yeah, it is pretty damn illogical for Oakley to do something like this. Like come on, its not like this site is making a profit from using the Oakley name. :(

Leo Wong (DarkGrieverX - 11/24/2004 7:32:14 PM)
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